About Us 

Hay Medical Centre

Hay Medical Centre was established by Uzair Medical Services Trust in 2018. HMC’s goal is to provide the highest standard of holistic care, involving the combined care from General Practitioners, Nursing, Allied Services and Laverty Pathology

Why choose Hay Medical Centre

Everything we do at Hay Medical Centre is about our patients, the range of medical services, our caring Doctors and friendly staff


Hay Medical Centre is the only clinic in Hay open 5 days a week.


We are the most comprehensive primary healthcare facility in Hay covering general practice, Physiotherapy, Podiatry, Audiometry, Optometrist, Regional Radiology, Diabetic Educator and Laverty Pathology


Everything we do is focused on providing our patients with an exceptional experience. We treat our patients as people first and want to make your journey as our patient as pleasant and hassle free as possible


We specifically recruit a diverse range of practitioners with extensive skills and experience, and with 03 GPs and variety of allied health providers you can rest assured you will receive the care you need