our services

Health and Medical Assessments

Hay Medical Centre offers a range of health and medical assessments for our patients when they require them. Some of these include:

  • Pre-employment medical examinations
  • Health Assessments
  • Aboriginal Health Assessments
  • Over 75 Health Assessments
  • 45-49 Health Assessments
  • Diabetes risk assessment tests

We are especially passionate about encouraging our patients to have diabetes risk assessment tests. Type 2 Diabetes is one of the largest and most prominent health issues in Australia, accounting for 92 per cent of diabetes cases. Diabetes is associated with several health complications, including cardiovascular, eye and kidney disease. In the past 15 years, incidences of Type 2 diabetes in Australia have more than doubled. This is reflective of the obesity epidemic in Australia, with negative lifestyle choices like poor diet and nutrition, physical inactivity and stress all contributing to the increase in cases. However, international evidence has shown that early lifestyle intervention through modifying aspects like diet and exercise has a considerable effect on high risk patients, reducing incidences by up to 58 per cent. Having a diabetes risk assessment at a Reliance Medical practice is a starting point towards living a healthier and happier lifestyle, It allow us to assess whether you need medical intervention and how we can support you along your journey.

GP Management and Mental Health Plans

For patients with chronic medical conditions or mental health disorders, your GP is now able to create an individual management plan through Medicare in order to achieve optimal treatment outcomes. Patients who have a current GP plan in place can receive rebates from Medicare when they see registered Allied Health Providers and psychologists. 


As human beings, we are all born with an inherent natural immunity system within our bodies that protects us from the diseases in our surrounding environment. However, following the immunisation schedule recommended by the government also offers considerable additional protection against these diseases. As well as being a requirement for most childcare facilities, children that aren’t immunised are much more susceptible to nasty illnesses like meningitis and whooping cough.


In the long run, the benefits of immunisation far outweigh the small risk of unpleasant side effects for your child. The New South Wales Health Department requires that all children commencing school or childcare provide evidence of having completed their childhood immunisations. Our GPs and Practice Nurse can provide these certificates and will report your child’s immunisations to the Childhood Immunisation Register, to record and remind parents of upcoming immunisations for their child. Please visit us to discuss your child’s immunisation requirements with one of our General Practitioners and be sure to download the ‘Save the Date’ app to keep up to date with your child’s immunisation schedule.

Workplace Health

It’s so important to keep yourself healthy and safe in the workplace, however if you do find yourself injured due to a workplace incident, Hay Medical Centre is here to help you get back on your feet. Our practice is fully equipped with an extensive range of treatment rooms that can manage both acute and subacute injuries acquired in the workplace.


Patients who have been injured in the workplace will have access to a range of professional medical personnel in Hay Medical Centre, including General Practitioners, Nurses and Allied Health Professionals. This is to ensure that our patients can receive all the appropriate treatment they need for their workplace injury conveniently under one roof. This will also help ensure a swift recovery with optimal outcomes for both the patient and their employer.

Our doctors are experts are getting injured workers back to work as soon as possible (and as soon as it is safe to do so). Our doctors are professionals and are happy to contact your employer to discuss your injury, working together to figure out whether alternative or more appropriate duties are possible for you while you recover.

Please inform our reception staff upon your arrival of your workplace injury situation.

Cervical Screening Test

Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in the world, and as of June 2018, over 258 women will have died in Australia from the disease already this year.

Early detection of cervical cancer is vital in improving survival rates, with the best method of detection being to have regular Papanicolaou tests, otherwise known as cervical screening tests. Cervical screening tests now replace the older ‘pap smear’ test, however they will feel the same for the patient. These tests detect human papillomavirus, which can lead to cell changes in the cervix.


If you are aged 25 to 74, you should have your first cervical screening test two years after your last pap smear. If the results are normal from your first test, you will need to have a check-up test every five years after that. The tests may need to be conducted more regularly if you have previously tested positive for human papillomavirus (HPV).

If you are due for a cervical screening test, please make an appointment with one of our friendly General Practitioners. The test is very quick and pain-free and is vital in the early detection and prevention of cervical cancer for women at risk. Our doctors are also highly proficient in offering advice and treatment regarding any kind of reproductive or sexual health concern.


An electrocardiogram (ECG) records the tiny electrical impulses that are spread through the heart muscle with the use of an ECG machine. ECG machines are used when patients are presenting with heart palpitations or chest pain, however they are also often used before routine examinations to check general heart health.


Electrocardiograms detect the electrical impulses coming from the different directions of the heart. There are normal patterns for each of these directions, however if the patterns are abnormal, it may be indicative of a heart disorder. Having an ECG test can detect heart disorders such as abnormal heart rhythms, myocardial infarctions (heart attacks) or an enlarged heart (which basically causes larger impulses than normal to be recorded).

Having an ECG test is painless and harmless, as it does not put any electrical impulses into your body; it only records the electrical impulses coming from your body. This is a common misconception; however, the procedure is entirely safe.

Please speak to your doctor to see whether they believe an ECG test could be beneficial or necessary for you.

Minor Operations and Procedures

Our practice is fully equipped to handle minor operations and procedures. Our treatment areas ensure our doctors and nurses can treat our patients in the most comfortable and supportive way possible.

We aim to deliver the highest quality of professional and comfortable medical care for the Central Coast community, including the convenient performance of minor operations and procedures when required.

Some of the procedures we can conduct include:
  • Iron infusions
  • Immunisations
  • Ear syringing
  • Suturing
  • Plastering
  • Biopsy and removal of skin lesions and moles
  • Electrocardiograms (ECGs)
  • Hearing and vision tests
  • Removal of foreign bodies and ingrown toenails
  • Spirometry
  • Audiometry
  • ECGs
  • Cryotherapy,
  • Abscess drainage,
  • Implanon insertion/removal
  • IUD insertion/removal.

If you wish to make an appointment to have one of the above procedures completed, please call our friendly reception staff to make a booking. Or, you can book online using the quick and simple online booking system located on our website.


At our practice we have a pathology collection centre to take your blood and or samples for pathology making it more convenient when visiting our clinics. This service is provided by Laverty. They are open from Monday to Friday 8am to 12:30pm with last collection at 12:15pm.

Nursing Staff

Our Practice Nurses offer a variety of services to HMC patients. Some of the services include: Spirometry, Audiometry, Urine Pregnancy Tests, Electrocardiograms (ECG), Blood sugar levels, INR, Dressings, Treatment of minor wounds, Blood pressure checks, Ear syringing and Chronic Disease Management. Some of the services may involve an additional fee on top of your consultation fee.

Our Full Time Nurse Mardi is available Monday to Friday from 8am to assist with the above and much more.

Appointments with our nurse can be booked by contacting reception staff.

Weight Management Program

Promoting healthy weight and active lifestyle has been the center of attention of doctor and health care providers at Hay Medical Centre
Overweight and obesity are the largest nutrition related problems in the developed world. Obese individuals have approximately twice the risk of premature death, compared with those who have a body mass index (BMI) of 20-25 kg/m2. Obesity is estimated to contribute to about two thirds of type 2 diabetes, one fifth of heart disease and one third of hypertension in Australia.


The association between obesity and type 2 diabetes is particularly strong. Women with a BMI of 26 have eight times the risk of diabetes, compared with women with a BMI of 21. There is a comparable fourfold increase in the risk for men. Risk continues to increase with BMI, and women with a BMI of 35 have 90 times the risk. A weight gain of approximately 4.5-9 kilograms increases the risk of coronary heart disease by 1.25 times in women and 1.6 times in men. Higher levels of body weight gain—10 kilograms in men and 20 kilograms in women—result in an increased risk of coronary heart disease of 1.75 times and 2.65 times respectively.

Rates of overweight and obesity among Australian adults increased markedly over the past two decades. From 1980 to 1999-2000, the proportion of overweight or obese men aged 25-64 years increased from 47.3 per cent to 65.7 per cent (based on measured height and weight). In the same period, the proportion of overweight or obese women increased from 27.2 per cent to 46.5 per cent.

Weight control is achieved by balancing energy intake with energy expenditure. Most Australians do not achieve this balance because current lifestyles, environments, social norms, and economic conditions promote the opposite—that is, over consumption of energy dense foods and drinks, and under activity These have not been deliberate choices for most people; rather, they are the result of largely external changes that influence behavior in subtle, unintended ways.

  • Weight loss and weight maintenance programs should employ a combination of a low kilojoule diet and increased physical activity.
  • Physical activity should be part of a comprehensive weight loss or weight control program because it
    • Modestly contributes to weight loss in overweight and obese adults,
    • May decrease abdominal fat,
    • Increases cardio-respiratory fitness
    • May help maintain weight loss.
  • Overweight and obese persons should adopt a low kilojoules diet for weight loss, aiming to create a deficit of 500-1,000 kilocalories [2092-4184 kilojoules] per day. Reducing fat as part of a low kilojoules diet is a practical way of reducing kilojoules.
  • Overweight and obese adults should aim to reduce body weight by about 10 per cent from the baseline. With success, and if warranted, they can attempt further weight loss.
  • Weight loss should be about 0.5-1 kilogram per week for six months, with the subsequent strategy based on the amount of weight lost.
  • A weight maintenance program should be a priority after the initial six months of weight loss

I don’t know what else to write???

Travel Medicine

The doctors at Hay Medical Centre can offer our patient’s full advice for safe travel.

This includes:
  • Travel vaccines
  • Disease Prevention
  • Need for prescriptions
  • Safety advice
  • Travel accidents
  • Contracting disease
  • Sun Safety
  • Water safety
  • Air travel
  • Jet Lag
  • DVT
  • Motion sickness

Telehealth Consultations

Telehealth offers physicians an alternative way of reaching patients and at the same time can increase patient access to specialist medical advice.

Telehealth significantly reduces the barriers commonly experienced by rural land remote patients in accessing specialist care such as travel, time and cost. Through facilitated consultations with a physician over the internet, telehealth also has benefits for residents of aged-care facilities, people with mobility difficulties and those living in remote Indigenous communities. The use of videoconferencing can support training and education and encourages stronger relationships between the physician and other healthcare providers.

Children’s Health

The doctors here at HMC have extensive experience in paediatrics and can provide comprehensive care for all your child’s health and medical needs. This may include baby checks, monitoring of growth and development, management of minor injuries and general medical problems. Our practice nurses are available for all childhood immunisations and can guide you through the Immunisation Schedule for your child.

Men’s Health

Men are often neglectful of their personal health and long working hours often make medical attendance difficult. Men, especially over 40 years of age, are encouraged to attend their doctor regularly in order to identify and treat potential health risks before they become a problem. Appointments are available on Saturday mornings as well as evening appointments on Monday to Friday until 8pm.

Women’s Health

Appointments for pap smears and breast checks can be organised by ringing the surgery and asking for an appointment with your GP or Nurse. Appointments for STI checks and advice and contraceptive advice can be organised with our Doctors and Nurses Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm. Please phone reception to book an appointment.

Antenatal Consultations

Your pregnancy can be managed at HMC by several of our GPs who provide shared Antenatal care. This service is available if you are attending the Pregnancy Care Clinic at Griffith Base Hospital or a private obstetrician. This allows you to see your own GP for many of your routine antenatal visits. Your GP will arrange all necessary blood tests, ultrasounds, hospital visits etc. during this time and communicate this information to your midwife and/or specialist obstetrician.

Pre-Employment & Drivers License Medicals

HMC offers pre-employment medicals and annual reviews, developed together with workplaces, to ensure that prospective staff members have an appropriate medical review before undertaking work. A long appointment is required. Drivers license medicals are also able to be done for patients. We have audiometry, spirometry and drug and alcohol testing available for all medicals.

Home Visits

Home visits may be made when necessary for existing patients of HMC.  This will be at the discretion of the doctors.  Doctors may visit a radius of approx. 15km from the surgery. All enquiries need to be made via the reception staff.

X-Ray, Ultrasound and Bone Densitometry

X-Rays are available through our Local Hospital weekly on a Tuesday. See your GP for a referral.

Ultrasound is available here at the clinic on a fortnightly basis. See your GP for a referral.

Bone Densitometry is available here at the clinic on a yearly basis around November. See your GP for a referral.